Catholic Truth Society booklets and leaflets are essential parish resources! Coming in bundles of five (for the booklets) or 25 (for the leaflets) these publications offer succinct explanations of the Church’s position on key issues. Find more of them at

  • Prayer Book For Spouses

    Prayer Book For Spouses

    These prayers and meditations offer couples a ready, thorough and reliable support to the daily challenges and joys of married life. Drawing on Scripture, Catholic teaching and spirituality, and the Marriage Rite itself, this prayer book encourages the loving and spiritual dimension essential to the life of Christian spouses.

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  • The Role of a Christian Mother

    The Role of a Christian Mother

    After summarizing the incredible physical, psychological and intellectual challenges of motherhood, Anna Melchior goes on to describe the rewards. She gives reflections which can help experienced Moms or Moms-to-be to value their role and its importance for the family, for society and for the Church.

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  • The Role of a Christian Father

    The Role of a Christian Father

    In a time when the very idea of the Christian family is being lost, the role of the father has been devalued to the point of seeming optional. This booklet explores fatherhood in history and the scriptures, but also gives present-day examples and practical advice on how a father can lead his children and his family to fulfilment, happiness and faith.

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  • Passing on Faith to Your Children

    Passing on Faith to Your Children

    At baptism, the Church entrusts parents with passing on the living faith to their children. What does this involve, and how can parents work together to meet their responsibilities? This booklet gives practical help on how to best give children a positive, rich and complete experience of Catholic Christianity.

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  • Marriage Annulment in the Catholic Church

    Marriage Annulment in the Catholic Church

    Every person has the right to petition for a declaration of the nullity of his or her marriage, meaning that a particular union was not a valid marriage. This book explains why and how in certain circumstances marriages may be annulled. An excellent summary for those seeking advice and for those advising in a pastoral context.

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  • Sexuality and Love

    Sexuality and Love

    This booklet tackles some of the most difficult questions and shows how Christianity offers real freedom in living, rather than placing unreasonable limits on our behaviour. Catholic belief and understanding in this area follows Christ in teaching people how to live out a generous, honest love that is free from selfishness and inherent deceit.

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  • Get Married or Live Together? Helping You Think Things Through

    Get Married or Live Together? Helping You Think Things Through

    This booklet explains why the Church doesn't allow living together before marriage.

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  • True Love — Passion & Purity

    True Love — Passion & Purity

    This booklet helps the reader gain an insightful understanding of our deepest need to love and be loved, and the power Christ has to heal our fragmented sexuality and inner life, and help us to recover chastity of heart.

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  • The Church and Same Sex Attraction

    The Church and Same Sex Attraction

    What does the Church teach about sexuality, homosexuality and gay marriage? This leaflet explains the issues.

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  • Homosexuality: Christ Above All

    Homosexuality: Christ Above All

    The Church calls all people to chastity. This booklet explains the basis and content of what the Church teaches about homosexuality and same-sex attraction. Is this attraction the result of genetic or psychological factors? Can it be diminished? These and many other questions are answered in a thorough and sensitive manner.

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